Safety & Security

At Etravex, we take the welfare of each and every participant on our tours very seriously. Just as we work tirelessly to provide once-in-a-lifetime experiences to group leaders and students, we are equally committed to ensuring that all of our travelers return home safely. Our safety and support infrastructure has been a cornerstone of our business and includes the following measures:

Professionally Trained Tour Directors– Top-quality Etravex tour directors work in tandem with group leaders throughout each trip.

Informed Group Leaders – Teachers (or other group organizers) receive safety-related information and a card with emergency contact numbers prior to departure. During the trip, group leaders establish guidelines for free time activities, keep track of participants’ whereabouts, and provide overall adult supervision.

Health Insurance – All participants are enrolled in a medical insurance plan coordinated by reputed insurance provider, our round-the-clock, 365-day travel assistance provider (To be added coming season…)

Tour Tracking – Parents and Faculty will now be able to track the ongoing tour with the help of GPS based tracking system.

For more information on any of these aspects of our safety policies, please contact us at or +91 8588 83 8588/ +91 8588 87 8588 at any time.