Student Behavior Guidelines

As you travel abroad, you are representing your family, your school, your community and your country. A key to a successful trip is your open-mindedness and willingness to accept new cultures and the occasional inconveniences of international travel. If you keep your eyes and your mind open, you’ll bring home something of lasting value that you won’t have to declare at customs.

Drug Possession & Use
Sexual Misconduct
Hotel/Bus Behavior Guidelines
Respect for Local Culture
Dress/ Clothing
Visiting Friends or Relatives
Attendance at Meals
Curfew/ Strike/ Lockdown Situations
Free Time Periods

Alcohol is strictly prohibited on tours for students

In some countries, it is customary to have beer or wine with meals. Students under 21 years must obtain their parents’ or legal guardians’ written permission to sample beer or wine at meal Sampling is limited to one glass of beer or wine at dinner, and a group leader must be present.

Some group leaders and schools may not permit drinking of wine or beer for students under 21; in all cases, you will be subject to the wishes of your group leader, parents and school. Students may not drink liquor or spirits under any circumstances.

The possession or use of illegal substances is absolutely forbidden, and will result in dismissal from the group and a return home at the parents’ or guardians’ expense.
Motor Vehicles of any kind may not be rented or driven by students.

You will be sent home at a parents’ or guardians’ expense for inappropriate sexual conduct.

Be especially careful with your room and your bus. You will be held personally responsible for any damage you cause, and you will not be allowed to leave the hotel until the damage is paid for. When hotel reports damage to a room, ET will investigate, but will ultimately consider the hotel’s report to be definitive.
You will be responsible for phone calls made from your room and any extra hotel expenses (for example, items from a room mini-fridge). Under no circumstances may you consume alcoholic beverages from the mini-fridge.
Stealing towels, ash trays, etc. as souvenirs is forbidden, since waiters and maids are required to pay for any missing items.
Show consideration to others. You cannot expect English to be spoken by hotel staff. Learn a few courtesy phrases of the local language; it will go a long way. Absolutely no running in the hallways or shouting down the hallways is allowed at any time, day or night.
Do not wash clothing in the rooms. You will be charged for any water stains. Self-service Laundromats are very common in Europe. Your hotel concierge will tell you where to find the nearest one.
You may not go barefoot or shirtless anywhere in the hotel outside your room.
Show respect to your tour manager and local guides. Do not use headphones or electronic games during commentary.
Included Group Activities require your participation. These include sightseeing and local excursions, which are among the very reasons for your taking an ET trip!

First violation: A meeting with your group leader and the tour manager. If necessary, a collect phone call will be made to your parent(s) or guardian(s). A restriction will be imposed.

Continued violation: A collect phone call to your parent(s) or guardian(s) will be made at this time.

Serious violation (such as drinking hard liquor, drinking wine or beer without a group leader present, sexual misconduct, absence after curfew, etc.): The nearest ET office will be contacted, and a collect phone call to your parent(s) or guardian(s) will be made. At this time the group leader and ET staff will decide whether to send you home at your expense. Only ET can make the final decision to send a participant home.

Continued serious violation (such as drunkenness, use of drugs, overnight absence, sexual misconduct, etc.): The group leader and ET office will make a decision about sending you home at your parents’ or guardians’ expense. If this is decided, every effort will be made to contact your parent(s) or guardian(s), or a near relative, if your parent(s) or guardian(s) are away.

No matter where your child travels, there is a tremendous amount to see and do – and a limited time in which to cover it! For that reason, most Etravex itineraries are packed with activities. It is crucial that everyone makes punctuality a priority, for wake up calls, sightseeing tours, meeting times etc. It takes just one person showing up late to throw off a whole day’s schedule.

The local people you meet are not “tourist attractions.” This is their city, their home; remember to act like a guest. Monuments are made for admiring; please do not climb on them. Put toffee wrappers in public dustbins (or put them in your pocket). Behave in cathedrals or royal residences the way you would want visitors to behave at the Rashtrapati Bhawan or the Rajghat.

Your attire is an important way of showing respect for your host culture. Particularly in Italy and Spain, temples and mosques in India you will not be allowed into cathedrals wearing shorts or skirts above the knee, sleeveless blouses or T-shirts, no matter how hot it is. Keep your attire neat. Europeans interpret a neat appearance as a sign of respect.

Weapons such as knives, firearms or firecrackers may not be carried or bought by students.

Keeping in mind the security of students diverting from the tour is not permissible. Any relative or friends can come and meet the student on tour; however same will need a written consent from group leader or the parents.

You are expected to be with your group at breakfast and dinner, unless special permission has been obtained from your group leader.

A general midnight curfew applies to all ET trips. Unless there is a teacher-supervised activity running past midnight, you must be in your hotel room from midnight until the next morning. Respect other hotel guests by keeping noise to a minimum after 10 p.m. Different curfew restrictions may apply on home stay programs. You are expected to respect the wishes of your home stay family.

Even when no organized group activities are scheduled and you are on your own, your group leader must know where you are, whom you are with, and when you will return. You must be in groups of three or four when you are not with your group leader. Students are never to go off on their own. Be sure to carry the name, address and phone number of your hotel or home stay family with you at all times. Disco visits must be arranged by your group leader, and you are not allowed to enter any disco without him or her. You are expected to be mindful of your own safety and well-being at all times. Take caution in whatever you do or wherever you go, especially in unfamiliar areas.

You should be courteous and congenial at all times, even when encountering things you don’t like. Since the time of Marco Polo, travel has involved certain inconveniences. Places may get crowded, traffic may be busy, and buses may be delayed. Pack tolerance and a sense of humor in your suitcase!